A Hyang dance is an ages reproved ceremony pura in hindu calendar. The theme is a broad idea, message or lesson that is conveyed by a word. Its theme is a innocent ceremony. The setting is infections, setting include the time, location and everything in which story takes place and initiates the main back drop  and mood for a story. The setting is in Bali where the place of innocent ceremony does. It uses simile as the figurative language. Simile is cast to explicit compare that declared with preposition, such as conjugation or gift. And plot in series of event. In this short story ends with tragedy where in the last night the ceremony sees swasti’s body run away into the forest. The bodyguard found her without ruh.
The author wrote the true character that can be enjoyed the reader. “Ruh Swasti enjoys demonstrating it as another village citizen that is watching its body dances. They enjoy in every limber of her fingers until shoulder and hip”. It is as spirit dance party into body for 10 nights but still innocent. The main character is Swasti. She is one of several girl that wish to be an innocent ceremony dancer in their village next month. The author is Metta Dian. She is the winner of short story illusion 2008.

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