Cause Structure Words

1. Hercules plane was accident one month ago for the weather is very bad.

2. One of the victim's families must be willing to remove the pullout tragedy because her son is unlucky.

3. Education is a major success result from capital companies large set entrance standards.
Was the result of

4. Weather conditions can not be predicted because of global warming increasingly tempestuous
Due to

5. The effect of the weather there is cold mummify mamut is survived, Elephant mamut found in continental Antarctica recently.
The consequence of the weather there is cold mummify is survived, Elephant mamut found in continental Antarctica recently.

6. As a result of there are many people who are poor, government to provide direct cash assistance as.

Effect Structure Words

7. The weather is very bad.
As a result, Hercules plane was accident one month ago
As a consequence,

8. Their son is unlucky so they must be willing to remove the pullout tragedy.

9. Capital companies large set entrance standards
Resulted in education is a major success.
Capital companies large set entrance standards
had an effect education is a major success.

10. Government to provide direct cash assistance as the cause of poverty communities. View blog reactions